New Feature: Contents Publish Box Support Visual Web Editor | WYSIWYG HTML Editor
1 min readJul 27, 2021


We are so glad to announce that now supporting Visual Web Editor on Contents Publish Box, And it so easy to use! Every member can publish contents directly through Contents Publish Box with articles, videos, audios, photos, code snippets, run code output/results, blog posts, etc. So please come and post whatever you want with your company blogs, product informations, personal articles, individual videos, musician audios and so on and enjoy with contents publish worldwide.

Visual Web Editor | A WYSIWYG is an editor that allow content creators to preview the end results before the actual interface or document is made live. The full form of WYSIWYG is “what you see is what you get”. This type of software allows you to edit content in a form so that it looks same when displayed or printed.

Now let’s try it:



Kunming is designed to help content creators on the internet to monetize their contents, A membership platform that enables creators to be paid by their fans.